Sunday, January 29, 2017

Taking It Back

Today I begin again. It's not a New Year's resolution easily left behind in the detritus of every day but an actual beginning.

Here's where I start:
1.  Calm your mind. In order to not be overwhelmed by the world or life one must sit and breathe for a few moments after waking. No thoughts, just breathe.
2.  Plan of Action. Set out the things you are going to accomplish today and only today in order of priority.
3.  Workout. Every day without fail finish the workout of the day.
4.  Fix It. If you see something that needs to be taken care of or fixed then either do it right away or make an exact plan and time it will be done.
5.  Weather. Now this is a hard one for me. Don't let the weather dictate your life. Of course, there are always things you can or cannot do dependent upon the season such as climbing a mountain or swimming in the lake but for the rest of the mundane ordinary things like grocery shopping or going to the library one shouldn't let the weather "get you down".
6.  The World. Stay away from the newspaper, the news on television, and the stupidity of Facebook. It is important to touch base with your friends that you won't see all the time so Instagram is a nice alternative. You can avoid the hatred and ignorance and share the love and happiness instead.
7.  Service. Do something for at least one person regardless of how long it takes or what it is every day. Try to remain anonymous if possible.
8.  Be Healthy. Vegan. No processed products. Organic. Drink your apple cider vinegar honey tea every day.
9.  Be Positive.  If there is something you really don't want to do but need to, try to find the positive side of the situation. Look for the good things and enjoy any and all things life throws at you. If life hits you with a 2x4 then be happy it didn't kill you.
10. Create. Take the time each day to either create something, begin to create something, or plan to create something (not just dreaming but an actual plan).

Ready. Steady. Go!